A Short Hot Take About the Book of Revelation (or "Rapture? Frankly It's Crapture!")
Before I go deep diving into the biography of the one called Jesus, I want to take a little side trip to one of the more complicated destinations in Christian literature. Indulge me, if you will. No two ways about it: the last book of the New Testament is bonkers. Full-tilt, bull goose loony. My pals at Red Star Ministry aptly -- and accurately -- referred to it as "a clusterfuck of symbols with no real connection to anything material." Most Christians politely ignore it, even the Catholic Church, except of course for fundamentalist (typically right-wing) nut jobs who view it -- and tout it, frequently -- as a blueprint for how Christ will come back someday and vindicate their every prejudice, whim, and act of seething hatred. I'm not here to speculate about the origin. Anyone who has used "magic" mushrooms or "psychedelic" drugs such as LSD or peyote can instantly recognize the content of Revelation for what it is: John of Patmos appears to have had t...