
Showing posts from November, 2022

Interlude: Points of Interest

Welcome to the debut of another new series on the blog, the first of course being "Jesus Theories." As you may have guessed from the title, this series is called "Interludes." What purpose will it serve? Keep your shirt on, I was just getting to that! When George Carlin, who was (for my money) the greatest comedian ever, wrote books of his material, he included sections called "Short Takes" which consisted of quick, snappy jokes and one-liners, not married to bigger routines, that served as a palate cleanser, a break from the long-form stuff.  By the same token, I'm not always going to have a veritable wealth of information to share about a specific topic. So, with that (and my readers' attention spans) in mind, I will occasionally post "Interludes" about things I have the itch to talk about but which don't need many words written about them. Today, I will share a few resources that I think are essential to approaching this topic from