Interlude [Overdue]: *Which* Little Town of Bethlehem?
NOTE: This Interlude, previously sitting in my drafts, was intended to be posted to coincide with the holiday season. I apologize for its belatedness, and can assure you that this will not affect the release schedule outlined in "New Year, New Plans." Oh, Christmastide. There are a lot of images that each of us associates with this magical time of the year. Mine are grounded in growing up in New England and what I would see during winter as I did: ice skating. Trees. Filthy snow. Cold wet feet. Shoppers. Lovers. Assholes. Most Christians, be they fundamentalist or mainstream, naturally come with a Sunday school-appropriate image of the holiday's origins. Elizabeth Cunningham aptly summarizes it in the opening lines of her magnificent Daughter of the Shining Isles (sorry, Monkfish Book Publishing, this will always be the title of The Maeve Chronicles ' first installment for me): You have all heard of his birth in Bethlehem in a stable [...] You know the story of the...